Cleofatra43 karma7/29/2013, 7:06:15 PM
Ask him to support Rush Holt's bill to repeal FISA and the Patriot Act.
If he refuses, ask him to recite the 4th Amendment and explain how is vote isn't in violation of his oath to uphold the Constitution.
Last bit is up to you guys, RT4 will support you in whatever you decide.
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Cleofatra7 karma7/29/2013, 6:23:13 PM
Which congressman? What do you suspect you will be charged with?
Cleofatra4 karma7/29/2013, 6:31:48 PM
Source for the proof?
Cleofatra43 karma
Ask him to support Rush Holt's bill to repeal FISA and the Patriot Act.
If he refuses, ask him to recite the 4th Amendment and explain how is vote isn't in violation of his oath to uphold the Constitution.
Last bit is up to you guys, RT4 will support you in whatever you decide.
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