Highest Rated Comments

Claidheamhmor64 karma

Nice AMA; good to know there are guys like you around. :)

I holidayed in camp sites and on a farm in the Eastern Cape my whole childhood, and the only live snakes I've ever seen in the wild are night adders and mole snakes. Some of the staff killed a pregnant puffadder though, poor thing. I've always made a bit of an effort to make noise while walking in the bush, to give snakes warning.

Claidheamhmor24 karma

I don't know if it's urban legend or not, but we were told that snakes are not keen on crossing rope on the ground. We used to sleep on the porch, and were never bothered by the night adders in the garden, so maybe there was something to it.

Claidheamhmor3 karma

Hope all went well!

Claidheamhmor2 karma

You're smart people out that way. Here in South Africa, seat belt usage is probably well under 50%, and rear seat belt or child seat usage well under 10%.

Claidheamhmor2 karma

Very cool! I'm studying Criminology (just for fun), and environmental criminology and trade in illegal species is really interesting (though here in South Africa it's things like abalone, pangolin, ivory, etc.)