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CitizenMillennial69 karma

Do you worry about who will step in to take charge if/when those in power now leave? Isn't the Islamic guard kind of known for taking action on it's own without orders/against others wishes?

I honestly need to learn more about it but from here it seems like the Guard would be more of a threat to the citizens way of life than how it is currently. Wiki says that the one of the Guard's main jobs (according to themselves) is to protect the system from coups or 'deviant movements.' Wait. Are they essentially the government right now?

CitizenMillennial49 karma

how did it get worse?

How/ why did the protests stop?

How were they organized to begin with? Does Iran take away your internet access?

CitizenMillennial28 karma

If our local voting area has refused to get paper backups what can we do to pressure them?

CitizenMillennial12 karma

You said over the past two decades more than 200,000 people have died from prescription opioid od's. Where do these numbers come from? I guarantee it is much higher.

On the final night of my honeymoon, I was woken up because my phone would not stop ringing. It was my brother. He told me that our mom was dead. I told him that she wasn't and that she was picking me up from the airport the next morning. He had to tell me a few more times before I ingested the information. She was found by her husband in the living room. We are not sure how long she had passed away before he got up and found her. My mother had always said she didn't want an autopsy because the idea of it creeped her out.( We are that kind of family that talks about things like that). I don't mean all the really creepy stuff I have learned it entails, I just mean the idea of having a stranger cut her open and take her organs. Once they officially pronounced my mother deceased, they asked my stepfather if he wanted to have her embalmed. He was still in shock and eventually said yes. Then they took her to the funeral home.

When I got back home, I tried to figure out what happened. I knew what probably happened. However, since she was 51 years old, an autopsy was not required for her death unless requested. I know this, because I called the coroner. I called the city. I called anyone that would talk to me. I wanted them to know about her prescriptions. I wanted her counted as a victim. My stepfather being forced to answer the embalming question did not consider the autopsy. He knew she joked about not wanting one. However, now that he had come out of shock and since I was back, he (and I) wanted an autopsy. We needed to know what happened, How did my beautiful 51 year old mother suddenly die? She had already been embalmed so it was too late.

My mother had an opioid script for years. I'm not even sure why. She said it was for her back when I would ask. But I have no idea what was wrong with her back. At one point, it started getting really bad. She would pass out with lit cigarettes. She would fall asleep in the most uncomfortable looking positions and slur her words etc. etc. My stepfather started sending me pictures of her passed out. I tried contacting help lines and resources. But legally there was nothing I could legally do to force her into rehab. I thought about trying to get her arrested. Then she missed my bridal shower. I quit speaking to her after that for about a month and then I wrote her a letter. I read her the letter and she cried for a long time. I told her she had a few options. She keep keep on like she was and soon die. Or she could go to rehab/ quit taking that medicine and have a relationship with me and her future grandchildren. If she didn't quit, she would never get to meet them. In 2014 I didn't understand everything I do now. To my shock, she got better. My stepdad quit sending me pictures. She always sounded 'normal' one the phone. But she did not stop her prescription. She had just quit 'partying' on it. The night she died, she had just gotten her refill that day. I checked the bottle and she was missing 20 pills. I checked her phone and she had text her neighbor with some coded words about hanging out. So I know in my heart she partied with her neighbor and her new script and that is what killed her.

My question is how many people do you think have not been counted like my mother? And how can someone else in my prior situation save their loved one?

CitizenMillennial3 karma

How likely is it that someone would hack into our Electrical Grid and shut it all down? What is stopping something like this from happening?

How can someone hack into my car and cause it to crash?

Bonus points: Do you believe any votes were changed/ vote counts altered/ legal registered voters were purged from the voter roles in the last election?