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Cinnamontwisties3 karma

I was diagnosed at 11 weeks pregnant with TTP (ITP's pissy cousin) and treated throughout the pregnancy for it (thankfully still in remission). Are they treating you with just steroids at this point? Originally they thought I had ITP and when steroids did nothing and they found fragmented blood cells then plasmapheresis was the way to go. Best of luck to you. ITP is very treatable.

Cinnamontwisties2 karma

You S.O.'s doctor was an ass. Even with TTP you can not die from just a pin prick. I hope the therapists and medication helps and I sincerely hope that jerk is no longer practicing. Some outrageous claim like that is the last thing and patient needs to hear.

Cinnamontwisties2 karma

TTP is just shitty like that. One day you're fine then all of a sudden it's "oh haiiii I'm hereeee, lets fuck some shit up!" MY OBGYN caught mine when my kidneys started failing as well. Fragmented red blood cells in the tests confirmed. I'm his favorite problem patient :)