Highest Rated Comments

ChromeWired311 karma

I was recently told that my cancer had returned to my lungs, that its inoperable and that I have under a year to live. Not sure if I'm going to do chemo again yet, my doctor has said theres not really any hope it would do anything to prevent my death. I'm curious to know how you felt when you were told you were going to live after already accepting that you were going to die. Did you feel relief or had you come to a point where you were looking forward to dying?

EDIT: Thank you so much to whoever gave me gold and thank you to everyone else for all your kind words. I would like very much to respond to all the questions and thoughtful comments, but being new to reddit I'm not sure the best way to go about doing that since this is another redditor's IamA and it would seem rude to answer them here.

ChromeWired89 karma

Thanks for taking the time to answer. I wish you the best of luck.