Highest Rated Comments

Choppa79020 karma

First off I'm a big fan. I'm finishing Fooled by Ramdoness and I'm done with Black Swan. I absolutely love both books and they said things I've been trying to express for years now.

Now to my question: Do you think there are any criticism that has been leveraged at your claims that are actually well-deserved? If so, how have you addressed them?

Choppa79011 karma

Have you visited any of the nationalized plants, or looked at the condition of the workers, how they are treated? Have you talked to any economists on what it'd would take to stop the bleeding from the massive inflation?

Choppa79010 karma

Abby Martin has done some reporting about sabotage by right wing groups against distribution centers, food trucks, etc. Has there been any investigations done to the matter of sabotage?

Choppa7908 karma

No mention of people on social media calling for a boycott of the elections. Lol.

Choppa7906 karma

English is taught as a second language in many private schools, and there is a systems of schools called the CVA (center for venezuelan american studies) that let's you learn English after school. Not to mention a lot of Venezuelans have left the country (me included).

Educate yourself, idiot.