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ChocolateSphynx312 karma

Thanks for doing this! I didn't realize I had so many questions, so sorry for the list:

  • What's the worst animosity you've encountered as a n albino person with albinism?

  • Is it cool for pigmented folks to use the term "albino" or is there a preferred nomenclature?

  • Have you ever travelled to one of the countries where albino people with albinism are persecuted and even hunted for alt-medicine/witchdoctor placebo cure-alls, like Tanzania, or other places I recall reading about in the news?

  • Do you ever freckle at all?

  • Have you ever found a crumb or speck of dust on your skin and thought it was a freckle for a minute, throwing your life into a tailspin of identity crisis?

  • Is there any connection between albinism and gingerism?

  • Do you/are you hoping to have children with albinism, or are you concerned about passing on the trait at all?

  • What's the stupidest question a pigmented person has asked you about albinism (or in general)?

  • What are some things you wish more people knew about albinism?

ChocolateSphynx158 karma

I'm wondering if "vegetarianism" meant the same thing back then. I still encounter the "oh you don't eat meat, okay, how about ham/chicken/broth/seafood?" logic all the time in 2017.

ChocolateSphynx78 karma

woo! Thank you! I never knew there was associated vision impairment until today, but it makes me wonder about the involvement of pigment in eye development, and it's sending me down a wikipedia rabbit hole at the moment. I've also never met a person with albinism before, so I really appreciate all the answers.

ChocolateSphynx56 karma

There is an art to flying, or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. ... Clearly, it is this second part, the missing, that presents the difficulties.

ChocolateSphynx27 karma

Not OP, but the article he linked says most types are recessive genes, so think of the classic punnett squares from high school - if he makes the babies with someone who happens to have the same recessive gene, there's about a 1 in 4 chance each kid will be born with albinism. Otherwise (if he makes babies with someone who doesn't carry the gene) they likely can't have albinism.