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ChipLady59 karma

The cabbage diarrhea water is called Jilly Juice. If you drink a gallon a day like she recommends, you get around 10 times the daily recommended amount of salt. But... you can totally regrow a limb, live to be 400, and cure anything and everything including being gay. Or more likely just suffer from explosive diarrhea, dangerously high blood pressure, and strokes. Jillian Epperly is insane and dangerous.

ChipLady45 karma

Even with the disclaimer at the bottom I just kept thinking there's no way. This has to be another over the top, complete exaggeration. I was wrong, but I wish I wasn't.

ChipLady13 karma

This has got to be one of the coolest things I've ever read. Also, one of the scariest. I am so conflicted! I really want to participate in something like this, but I would never want to hear how poorly things would gone if it was a real situation.

ChipLady7 karma

Have you seen any pictures of him before he went missing from his family? If so, do you think it's possible that his family could have seen some of the media about him but not been able to recognize him?