Highest Rated Comments

ChillinInChernobyl46 karma

If the locals start disappearing like ghosts, something is about to happen. Leave. Most threats can be sniffed out with good old fashioned people watching for suspicious behaviors

ChillinInChernobyl24 karma

Delivery fees are such BS. I wont order from places that do that AND have to tip... The fee doesnt go to the driver

ChillinInChernobyl5 karma

Always maintain situational awareness. Anything that that is abnormal is a red flag in a high risk area. People used to living in such environments know whats going on and when to leave, you would be wise to follow them. This applies pretty much universally for any kind of social situation going south.

ChillinInChernobyl4 karma

Garbage piles, roadwork that didnt fix anything, iv even seen directional IED’s (function similar to RPG’s forcing a cone of metal into a molten jet) hidden in trees and alongside donkey carts

ChillinInChernobyl3 karma

100%. You can even see this in high crime areas as well as irregular conflicts, particularly with getting caught in the middle of gang warfare, its less predictable than insurgencies, but still has a “Ghosting” effect from locals that know whats going on within social circles. Stay safe and prepared everyone.