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Chesterfield_Queen4 karma

You’re awesome for doing this. I had my left lobe removed five years ago due to a benign tumor caused by oral contraceptive use. My advice to you is to be patient with yourself in recovery. Even a few months out, I was very easily tired. Remember that your body is literally growing the remaining liver to compensate for what was removed, and that’s a lot of work. Take it easy and don’t push yourself. Also, I’m sure you’ve discovered that getting up from laying down is tough. I felt like an overturned turtle when I tried, so for about a month and a half I slept on a couch with lots of pillows propping me up so that it was easier to get up. Hopefully you go back to normal once you’re recovered. Personally, I didn’t get quite back to where I was (digestive issues, especially with fatty foods and liver doesn’t process alcohol like it used to anymore), but I’m tumor free so it’s better than the alternative for me. Wishing you a full & pain free recovery.

PS- can you feel the space left from the missing part? I was able to feel it and it was a super trippy feeling.