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CheezusChrist101 karma

Not Jewish, but I have worked closely with a few over the last decade. A shiksa is more nuanced than that; involving elements of sexuality that are especially enticing to Jewish men. So essentially, the term is more disparaging, typically used for gentile women who “entrap” good Jewish boys and steer them away from eligible Jewish girls. So not only is she betraying her Jewish heritage, she’s theoretically driving Jewish men towards that path as well.

CheezusChrist7 karma

Well, not really, but that’s how it’s perceived from inside the community.

CheezusChrist1 karma

I have a big interest in dog training, although I don’t like training people, so I don’t care to do it professionally. I do work in a vet hospital so I have to give advice from time to time. I feel so bad for people who get a BC and then it develops obsessive behaviors like chasing lights. Do you think encouraging them to find an outlet like herding stock is a potential option to help curb obsessive behaviors? Or is it just bad breeding?