Highest Rated Comments

Cheapo_Sam135 karma

You can also visit Avebury Stone Circle which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and location of another regional Neolithic stone circle and henge monument, situated about 20 miles North of Stonehenge. At Avebury there are no restrictions around access, meaning you can touch, climb and explore the site up close. It is also far less traffic'd and best of all it is free! There is tourist information also available at the site, and you can (should you so desire) walk from Stonehenge to Avebury and recreate some kind of Ancient prehistoric pilgrimage.

Cheapo_Sam57 karma

He's famous for his tannage, buddy.

Cheapo_Sam56 karma

Can you induce sleep paralysis in a lab environment? Is it genetic or can anyone be affected by it? Also when I was younger my brother used to talk in his sleep, but like really really fucking fast, it was not gobbledigook but actual words.. I'm sure he would love it if you could put a name to it..

Cheapo_Sam52 karma

I hope they answer all these questions in meme form

Cheapo_Sam41 karma

Why did Reuters not pick up that the original judge assigned to the case had a pre existin conflict of interest in the case whereby their partner had consulted on an FTX business deal?

Also why was that judge allowed to preside over and release SBF on bail before stepping down as a result?

Why does it take an i dependant article from Wall Street on Parade to bring it to light, and then have it recieve ZERO coverage from your agency?
