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CharistineE76 karma

I believe they have to publish the results on clinicaltrials.gov.

CharistineE58 karma

I'm pretty sure they are required by law. But studies last years and then they have the statistical analysis and review for publication, etc.

CharistineE14 karma

I have a friend who cannot have kids. They have done in-vitro 3 or 4 times, each time losing the babies early or, in once case, losing the baby at a few months. I think that the next step for them may be surrogacy because they want a genetic baby so much.

If I had kids already, I would probably step up to do this for them... Maybe sometime in the future if they still want this. What is the procedure like for you?

CharistineE14 karma

I lived in Asia. It's much more common to point to your nose when pointing to yourself than your chest as we do in the us.

CharistineE1 karma

I can't say I have any questions, but just want to say thank you for doing such a difficult job.

My grandfather had alzheimer's and when we could no longer care for him at home, he went into the dementia ward at a local residential home. One of us (my grandma, his kids or us grandkids) would be there pretty much all day and evening in shifts but since we all worked, there was no one overnight. He kept trying to get up and get out to go home. I can't imagine how hard that is.

1 person there really stood out to me though. One lady's husband was dead and she didn't remember that. Her son, apparently, was the spitting image of her husband when he was younger and she kept thinking that was her husband. Her son had no problem with this because it made her happy to have her life-long partner back with her. The ONE issue he did have is when mom tried to put the moves on him. Luckily he could laugh about it.