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ChangeMyDespair145 karma

VICE: How do you feel about the internet’s sabotage of the word?

Richard Dawkins: I’m quite amused by it, except that the internet uses just one tiny example of a meme. A meme is a much more general concept than that. But the internet is a very fertile ecosystem for the spread of memes.


ChangeMyDespair46 karma

Welcome to Opening Arguments, a podcast that pairs an inquisitive interviewer with a real life lawyer. This podcast is sponsored by the Law Offices of P. Andrew Torrez, LLC for entertainment purposes, is not intended as legal advice and does not form an attorney client relationship. Don't take legal advice from a podcast.

From my favorite legal podcast: https://openargs.com/

ChangeMyDespair32 karma

See also:



... the fictional Jeffersonian Institute Medico-Legal Lab, a federal institution that collaborates with the FBI. This reflects the historical relationship between the FBI and scientists of the Smithsonian Institution.

(edit: added link to Bones article at Wikipedia)

ChangeMyDespair23 karma

The Thomas Crowne Affair

1968 or 1999?

ChangeMyDespair21 karma

What could be the potential causes for still waking up tired from tons of sleep?

(Not OP.) Sleep apnea is a common cause of this.