Highest Rated Comments

Cell_Division67 karma

I think it must happen quite often to embrace X, Y or Z religion/cult/thing because of a love interest. I was also one, and then (luckily) backed the hell out pretty fast. It's very strange in hindsight to think that that period of my life ever took place. Emotions make you do weird shit.

Cell_Division27 karma

Since you have deeper knowledge of the topic compared to the average person, what is your view of this particular situation (Britney vs her father)? Do you think the conservatorship is justified in this case? How do you predict the story ending?

Cell_Division7 karma

Hi! So I have a few questions mostly regarding the beginnings of BrewDog:

1- How difficult was it financially at the start of the venture, and how long did it last before you were "safe" or "comfortable" for lack of a better word?

2- Do you think it would be as easy to start a brewery today given that the market competition has changed significantly since you started up BrewDog?

3- What's your favourite new experimental hop at the moment, and what does it taste like?

Cheers :)

Cell_Division1 karma

Cheers James :) Looking forward to those new hops!

Cell_Division1 karma

Hi Richard! How do you come up with the spoof headlines and articles? Like... what's the process?

Do you just kinda sit around with friends/colleagues and take the piss out of everything until something comes up that can become a "headline"?

Also, are there days/periods when there's simply nothing to poke fun of, and you struggle to write stuff?