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Ccino25 karma

Sorry if this comes off as a little blunt, but have you ever had a case where the patient died before reaching the hospital? Did you ever feel like it was your fault and if so, what did you to to get back into a functional mentality? Thanks for the AMA!

Ccino12 karma

I imagine at least for the first few times, it would be rather traumatic. Were you just able to naturally compartmentalize it, or did you have you learn along the way?

Ccino11 karma

Is there any place to read up on these steps/lists?

Ccino1 karma

jfc that's impressive. As for programming, I'm sure there's a company out there willing to hire you; it doesn't exactly require maximal people interactions.

Do you know how to read lips? And if it's you wouldn't mind, could you tell a little about how you lost you hearing?

Ccino1 karma

Hi, thanks for doing this AMA, please try not to punch me in the face;

I am someone who has not given much (any) thought into the topic regarding hiring disabled people, or disabled people in general.

While realizing that each and every one to their own has the right to be treated equally, get hired for a job, etc. From a view that focuses specifically on profitable gains and efficiency of work, why should someone hire the disabled person over someone who is not? Specifically regarding those with mental abilities, why would they want to hire someone who probably wouldn't be able to work as efficiently and require extra/special benefits/needs, short of straight up pity?

I personally am generally just uncomfortable around disabled people. Should I be giving them special treatment because they have a disability? Or just try to treat them like everyone else because they're still just people? Oh shit, by thinking about it I just accidentally stared at this dude for like 10 minutes. Do I apologize?? Do I not apologize??? Do I introduce myself????? What would I be doing if this was just another dude? Well, not introducing myself, probably. If I introduce myself just because they're disabled and I feel bad then isn't that discrimination? But what if other people see my not-introducing at being assholish behavior? Does this person want to be treated as just a normal person? But they're clearly disabled?! What the fuck.
