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Catlady_Danny13 karma

Hey Jason, I saw you guys play at your last Richmond, VA show. I talked to you about how I gave the Fake History album to one of my campers at summer camp who was struggling with their racial identity, being mixed (black and white), and being made fun of for liking hardcore music because it was not "black enough". Well you asked me for his name, and told me to tell him that whatever feels right to him, then it is right. Well, I saw him this past summer and told him. He was excited and shocked that I actually met you and told me had listened to your cd several times during the year. He told me he feels a lot more secure about himself thanks to your music. I know this isn't a question, but I don't know when will be the next time I will meet you again. Thank you for words, your passion in music, and helping a 14 year old boy accept and love himself. And from me, thank you as well. letlive. appeared in a time in my life that I really needed it