Highest Rated Comments
Captingray3 karma
Hey man, this is awesome that you're doing this. I am currently pursuing a NE degree, and am in the middle of the process of applying for the NUPOC program. One of the options is sub/surface warfare, however I am leaning towards the instructor opportunities in SC.
Would you rather have not been on a sub?
What differences do you know of between your station, and that of your (commanding?) Officer?
How was bootcamp? What sort of condition were you going in vs. coming out?
How fat was that sign on bonus?
How difficult was learning nuclear topics without that background? Did you need to learn the theory of it, or was it more "push this button when this happens, or pull the rods out if we need more powah"
Captingray5 karma
I'd give 6 years of my life to be a DILDO! Ohwaitthatsprobablyhappening.
But awesome thanks for the insight!
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