Highest Rated Comments

CaptainEarlobe258 karma

10 years!? I've never heard of that before.

CaptainEarlobe235 karma

I am not sure who convinced you that this is a good idea. Anybody familiar with Reddit should know that you are hated here (with good reason).

My question is: who's going to get fired over this?

CaptainEarlobe131 karma

I imagine a lot of Hitchens fans disagree with his stance on the Iraq war

CaptainEarlobe94 karma

I want a free hospital. I'll use it for experiments.

CaptainEarlobe47 karma

On a tangential note, I was just reading his Wikipedia article and spotted this funny line:

In its obituary of Hitchens, The Economist wrote that, "on the most consequential political issue of the last decade of his life, the bullshit got him."