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CaptClarenceOveur472 karma

Ive heard that there is a lot of molestation and inbreeding in the Amish community. What do you think of that?

What do you think of "Amish Mafia"? Is it real or fake?

Are you still religious and conservative or did you go full "English"?

Hows your Dutch?

Are the Dutch kids like any other kids in the world? I mean, do you guys think about girls (or boys) all the time and just constantly looking for trouble? Or is everyone pious and humble?

How are the birds and bees explained to Amish children? How are things like masturbation handled?

Are the Amish political? If yes, do they lean towards any specific party?

I'm very curious about the leaders about the community. Can you tell me anything about them? What kind of power they actually have? How do they get elected?

More to come later!

CaptClarenceOveur125 karma

Can I ask the area you are from? Are you Pennsylvania Amish, Ohio, Update NY, etc etc? I don't want you to out yourself, but knowing where you are from will allow me to ask you more specific questions to your area/community.

Ive heard that real Dutch and Amish Dutch are very different. Have you ever heard real Dutch and do you think you'd be able to speak to an authentically Dutch person?

Would you be able to live without electricity if you had to or would you go nuts? Recently when hurricane Sandy rolled by my state and knocked the power out for a week... I went bat shit insane.

I'm curious as to how intolerant the Amish are to homosexuality and if you carried over that intolerance into your non-Amish life.

I always hear that hard drugs are rampant amongst the Amish. Could you comment on that?

More to come later!

CaptClarenceOveur110 karma

Amish don't really acknowledge the existence of homosexuality, I try to be accepting of everyone.

Could you go into that a little bit more? What do you mean they don't acknowledge it?

What would happen if someone came out of the closet or was caught having a homosexual relationship?

Wasn't there ever an oddly swishy and single Amish feller that you just knew was off?

CaptClarenceOveur7 karma

We are of the same mind. I too feel we need to urgently ween ourselves from the oil teet. asap too.

I had to look up the cost per charge on Tesla's site. Looks like about $10 depending on your state.

How often do you change it?

CaptClarenceOveur7 karma

I love electric vehicles. I believe them to be the future and a necessary step in human evolution. So I'm with you on it. But I have a couple of questions and comments.

Would you say your interest in electric vehicles is purely technology based or environmentally based? For me, personally, its 85% tech and 15% environment.

Ive read that the carbon cost of producing a hybrid or electric vehicle is great than a standard vehicle. Turns out that getting all that lithium is a very messy ordeal. I was wondering if you've heard the same and what your thoughts on the subject is?

Are you worried about having to replace the battery in a couple of years? Thats the one thing that keeps from me investing in an electric vehicle. I don't know what my financial situation will be in 8-10 years and buying a new battery sounds like a pain.

Hows the performance? Is it better, on par or worse than what hte manufacture suggested?

Has weather (winter or summer) effected your vehicle in any way?

How much does it cost to completely charge a drained battery?