Highest Rated Comments

Cantcallit18 karma

Maybe hang a little barn in front of its face so it will run faster. Like they do in cartoon with dogs and meat.

Cantcallit7 karma

How long can you do Mickey's voice before losing your own? Or are your vocals well-trained by now. Also, how long have you been the voice for Mickey the Mouse?

Cantcallit1 karma

Where and how did you get started?

Cantcallit1 karma

First of all, this is awesome. Second of all, my kid is going to enjoy these. Ive read through the Q&As and im wondering why you doubt an opportunity with Lego? I feel like they would jump right on this. Are they difficult to work with? Im sure this AMA will give you a boost.

Cantcallit-2 karma

it looks fucking delicious!!! Do you think you would have saved money just buying the ingredients from the store? Or were you going for the taco bell taste as well?