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CadenceQuandry3 karma

I'm writing a series of stories aimed at young kids about respecting how they feel, boundaries, and the like. Any interest in publishing? (Just kidding, but I'd love some feedback and tips! Unless you're looking to publish some awesome children's books!)

CadenceQuandry3 karma

That's a wonderful idea. Thank you so much!

CadenceQuandry2 karma

My four year old is starting junior kindergarten (grade before kindergarten here in Canada). He suffers from mild cerebral palsy that affects his right arm and likely his mouth since he has a significant speech delay. Likely also dystonia since his general coordination is off too. To top it off he likely has adhd caused by the cp too. He’s smart and knows colors and can count but because he’s not great verbally most people assume he’s stupid. (Which he really isn’t)

What are some things I can too to help the teacher and the class deal with his differences? Of course public health is involved. But we are worried about him being outcast due to his low verbal skills (he’s verbal just not super clear and not using big sentences yet), his falling over which sometimes has him grabbing kids as he goes over for stability, and his general high energy. Super scared our kid is not going to be accepted. Right now he doesn’t know he’s different but one day he will.

CadenceQuandry1 karma

What’s the biggest thing you want people to know in terms of what to do (what did you find most helpful or what was the best thing someone said) and what NOT to do (what ASSvice shouldn’t be given or what was totally unhelpful?)

CadenceQuandry1 karma

I have a child with a 1cm leg length discrepancy. He's actually under care of dr Hamdy for complex clubfoot.

At what age will you do treatment on a child?