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CVI07330 karma

Nazi concentration camps used a system of badges to identify the reasons that prisoners were put into the camp. The most famous is the yellow Star of David, identifying Jews, but while Jews made up the majority of camp prisoners, many other groups were put to labor and death under the Third Reich and their badges identified them to prison guards. Different camps and prisons had different badge systems, but they were usually similar. Here is the most well documented badge system for non-Jewish prisoners, used at Dachau:

Red Triangle: Political Prisoners (those who followed political theories considered subversive to the Reich, or politically opposed the Reich)

"Uninverted" Red Triangle: A red triangle flipped vertically indicated a Prisoner of War.

Green Triangle: Professional Criminals (convicts)

Blue Triangle: Foreign Emigrants (regular citizens rounded up from nations conquered by the reich for use in forced labor)

Purple Triangle: Jehovah's Witnesses

Pink Triangle: Sexual Offenders (under the Nazi regime, this included homosexuals, and the majority of those who wore the pink triangle were homosexual adult males. There were a small number of rapists, pedophiles and zoophiles assigned the pink triangle as well)

Black Triangle: Asocial Elements (this includes any group or individual the Nazis deemed unfit for society, including Roma women, the mentally ill, vagrants, prostitutes, addicts, and pacifists)

Brown Triangle: Roma men

CVI07161 karma

The YouTube videos being posted around this and the other thread show the guards carry a handgun on their hip, which I imagine is loaded. Doesn't mean they can just cap a tourist, though.

CVI0757 karma

Burglarbear. It's like a big Orc.

CVI073 karma

I didn’t even realize for years that Toejam & Earl is a super stylish Roguelike.