Highest Rated Comments

CPOx11 karma

Did you have any type of near-miss or scary incidents that the crew all knew about, but didn't tell the passengers to keep them calm?

CPOx3 karma

How hot is Chef Andi in real life? I have a TV crush on her.

CPOx2 karma

I think I may suffer from sleep apnea (although doctors may frown upon the WebMD-self-diagnosers), but I don't really know what next steps to take in order to get a sleep study done.

What kind of doctor's office should I be Googling for and what questions do I need to ask? I currently don't visit any kind of general doctor.

CPOx1 karma

I've seen you live twice, with a third time coming up in DC on August 8th. Any good brunch spots that you would recommend?

CPOx0 karma

Are any of the events in Hell's Kitchen rigged? Like an oven being set to 350F but actually running at 200F leaving RAW meat?