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Don't install the browser extensions.

You mean don’t install 1Password’s browser extension and just use the app itself away from the browser? If so, why?

Or do you mean “don’t use the browser extensions that claim to do what full apps like 1Password and Keepass do”?


It's where you sometimes fuck


I read this comment twice and I can’t make a yes or a no out of it


The guys over at Cortex podcast have this amazing concept of “yearly themes” instead of “new year’s resolutions”. It’s a whole thing and I’m not gonna try to explain the difference between themes and resolutions, because what I really wanted to say is that my current theme is “return”.

There are many things in life, especially in recent years, that I started, then stopped for some reason, and never got back to. These are the things I usually say “I should really get back to doing X”. My theme is getting back to these things. Just ignoring whatever reasons I might have for staying away from the things and returning to them. It’s been fabulous.

So, OP, get back on the piano. It’s gonna be worth it!


This AMA is seriously good.

Many AMAs are replied by a username that has the name of the person but you can just tell very clearly we’re written by someone else. This one comes from the name of the publisher of the book, and yet you can tell with 100% certainty the answer are coming directly from the man, with full autonomy to say what he wants.