Highest Rated Comments

CAInnocenceDirector37 karma

Uriah Courtney--more than 300 innocent men and women have been taken off death row. That's reason enough to be against the death penalty. Unfortunately, it's not obvious to everyone.

CAInnocenceDirector24 karma

Go ahead and send the gold bullion as well.

CAInnocenceDirector16 karma

Mike Hanline--Actually sometimes guys use the fact that volunteers are on the yard to start something because the guards will be distracted trying to protect the volunteers.

CAInnocenceDirector16 karma

Mike Hanline--You have no control over where you are housed. For me, Pleasant Valley was the best because it was only 1 hour from my wife's house. I was only there for 6 months, so for more than 35 years I was hours away from my support.

CAInnocenceDirector15 karma

Uriah Courtney--Better identification procedures. That's what got me convicted. Fortunately DNA trumped the bad id