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ButtFarm693360 karma

Jon, you said that when you went to Congress about helping the victims of the Burn Pits, they recommended you get together with veteran's advocates and write the laws and they'd get them passed.

So my question to you, if we were to boil it down to the simplest terms, would you say that the most effective thing the Apes can do is get together, write some laws, and then give those laws to members of congress and get them passed?

(Doing some research right now. This is what a law looks like! This is the one that Jon helped pass to help the 9/11 First Responders. I'm too fucking high to understand what the fuck I'm reading lmayo but I am confident that out of EVERYONE who is in this financial fight with us, there's gotta be at least a couple people who have the ability to read and write laws? Or at least can learn how?)

ButtFarm693027 karma

I just jizzed everywhere 😱

ButtFarm691142 karma

Trust me when I say I make my fair share of dumbass memes and shitposts 🤣. I also wrote this question after several bong rips. Thanks for all you do. We will keep fighting the good fight my friend ✊ (if you need a writer Ape on your team, let me know 👀)

ButtFarm6961 karma

After that initial January 2021 event, what made you realize we were still fighting against Wall St?

ButtFarm693 karma

Have you browsed the r/Superstonk? As a new person what is your opinion of what you see? Is it helpful and organized? Can you offer some improvements so we can attract new investors?