Highest Rated Comments

BustedFlush69 karma

There's actually quite a bit of hate circulating about those things on the TWP sub. Personally, I don't have a strong opinion, so I was kind of surprised to see the vitriol.

BustedFlush38 karma

I was not on board with female Starbuck at ALL! Thought it was the worst decision ever, thought it was politically correct bullshit, thought it was going to suck....I think it took maybe 5 minutes of watching you as Starbuck for me to do a complete 180. Now to be fair, I think you must give a LOT of credit to the writers, but you pulled it off.

BustedFlush9 karma

Don't know if you saw it, but Michael Ironside's AMA was really good too.

BustedFlush4 karma

Do you think CPAP machines should be sold OTC? In my case, I did not need a 'sleep study' to confirm a diagnosos of sleep apnea, just a wife. If it was a symptom, I had it. I put off getting a CPAP for a long, long time because I didn't want to do a sleep study. Finally bought a CPAP on the grey market and life is good, but I still can't buy a reasonably priced mask without looking way harder than I should have to.

BustedFlush2 karma

Oh wow, is Sebastian Bach still in the band?