Highest Rated Comments

Bumgardner163 karma

  1. What mechanism do you have in place or do you have in mind for "send me x btc and I release your name claim," style attacks?

  2. What incentive is there for an individual to invest in the popularity of their particular address given they do not have a privileged position of ownership in such?

  3. Why do you think that Coase's theorem is relevant given your system is not analogous to property rights in of that an individual cannot reap benefit through sale of investment in their property?

Bumgardner32 karma

Bill. Do you believe that your advocacy for the spectrum theory of gender expression has harmed the public perception of your credibility in other areas? And as a follow up, could you please provide some evaluatable / falsifiable "scientific," support for your choice to advocate for the spectrum theory of gender expression.

Bumgardner15 karma


What is your opinion on the potential for cryptographic networks and potential future cost reduction in anonymous violence to facilitate the ability of groups to alter people's behavior through threat of violence by establishing a pseudo anonymous reputation for carrying out threats. In essence will people in the future be able to unilaterally write targeted anonymous laws?

Bumgardner8 karma

Anonymity might be a shield for an individual, but for a business that requires machines and warehouses and sales contracts to operate anonymity may not be a possibility.

Bumgardner6 karma

I'm thinking something like a cheap drone committing arson or murder and then self destructing.