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BruceInc33 karma

It might bring those parents a bit of happiness to know that the tragedy of losing their child was not completely in vain. Definitely a tough situation, and depending on how long it’s been since the child passed it could open up old wounds.

BruceInc30 karma

I’m in construction industry and it’s well known that arc fault breakers hate Lg washers and dryers for some reason. I live in a brand new house built by me and my LG washer would constantly trip my arc fault breaker. I had multiple electricians come out and do tests and everything was testing as fine. Ended up running a new wire for the washer with same results, warrantied the washer and got a new one, it worked ok for a bit but the issue came back. I ended up replacing to a non-arc fault breaker, and it works fine now. But it’s always a concern in the back of my mind. Am I overthinking it? I don’t really know what else I could possibly do.

Just wanted to hear your thoughts on it

BruceInc29 karma

That is something I didn’t know, and I feel like it should be “advertised” more, because for me that question is the biggest setback that would keep me from donating

BruceInc26 karma

I am pretty sure that liver actually “re-grows” with time

BruceInc25 karma

And that was my second major concern.