Highest Rated Comments

Brotherpace3 karma

Wow that's insane! Thank you for sharing. What changes have you made in your life since you took on that mindset? I'm just curious because I'm really trying to start living with that energy for life.

Brotherpace2 karma

Thank you for sharing that, is there anything in particular that you do differently? Perhaps in your job or relationships with friends, family, spouse etc. I am just at that age (22) where I'm seeing my parents get older and I really want to do as much as I can to make this time as significant as I can while they're still here. I also want the same with my friends

Brotherpace2 karma

Do you have any memory from being dead? A man I know in college was getting into hard drugs, overdosed and was dead for 5 minutes. He said it was just like being asleep

Brotherpace1 karma

I don't see how this could get downvoted.. What was it like? Did you dream? Have any spiritual experiences or anything??

Brotherpace1 karma

Yes! Thank you very much for your input!