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Broly3k812 karma

Im exiting the military in the not very distant future, and have always regarded a US Border Patrol agent as an option. What got you into it? What kind of schooling did you do prior too, if any? Where can I start if I wanted to seriously look into that option?

Broly3k89 karma

Thanks for the answers! With the big draw down happening military wide, and because I know how a good majority of military think, I would expect there to be a big back log. I also expect to not be excepted as there are far better trained applicants then me who will be waiting quite awhile to get an answer. Definitely nice to have the knowledge though. Ill look into it shortly.

Broly3k84 karma

First off, as a soldier I just wanted to say... FUCK THAT. I HATE the ocean. Anything that holds the capacity to hide a monster the size of our moon, that could swim up and eat a continent with in seconds, is a big 'Fuck that' to me.

That being said; my father is a welder and has often been out to the rigs. My father is one insane dude, and VERY 'out-there'. All of his buddies are too. So that makes me wonder, truly, what is life like out there for you, isolated, with a bunch of rough necks? Do you get hit on alot? (Sorry if this brings up bad memories), is there a fear of rape/sexual assualt? Most women i have met in the rough neck professions can hold their own pretty well.

Also I know that job is hard, and demanding, but keep your head up and youll be home to family soon enough.

Broly3k83 karma

I've seen stupider decisions made while deployed. Trust me, after 9-15 months that old, round, and balding starts looking like a fresh baked pie.

Broly3k83 karma

That sounds like a loaded question with no good enough answer. The USBP agents outside your house up to 5 hours at a time could possibly be sleeping, they could possibly be working, they could possibly be watching your house (Maybe your place is on a watch list somewhere?) You will probably never know. It's best not to assume things though, after all assumptions only make an ass of u and me. Side note: How does one justify their time on Reddit? At 52 I suppose you've earned some down time, still though the question is asked.