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BriarRose21617 karma


Fun mini story: When I was in eighth grade, we had just finished reading this book, and our English teacher, during an unrelated discussion, mentions she can't do something, "because I have asthma."

One brave/belligerent soul shouts out, "SUCKS TO YOUR ASS-MAR!"

The whole classroom freezes, immediately.

Our teacher, who was amazing, promptly bursts out laughing and tells him, "I walked into that one, didn't I? At least I know you read it!"

BriarRose21231 karma

I assumed I would have to attach a letter to a salmon and put it in the euphrates. She is a true mystery.

This is exactly how I assume one reaches out to Enya. And clearly it worked, since the song is in the movie.

BriarRose21149 karma

She would be the most badass Viking Queen! Dammit now, no matter what the next season is, I need Viking Queen Pam! MAKE IT WORK, ADAM.

BriarRose21116 karma

My little croissant!

BriarRose2185 karma

I remember waiting in line for Skyrim at my gamestop at midnight, and there were so many teenage boys tailgating with cans of monster instead of booze. I was one of the only girls there and people in line kept asking me if I was buying it for my boyfriend. (I wasn't.) I think at some point someone came through the line and handed out bags of popcorn. Honestly, it was a great time.