Highest Rated Comments

BraveSquirrel932 karma

Uhh.. I know this won't ever happen, but if you ever happen to talk to him again would you be so kind as to suggest he swing by /r/onetruegod for an AmA? His discipl.. I mean, his fans would be so stoked it would be ridiculous.

P.S. Love your movies, thanks for creating such amazing art!

BraveSquirrel502 karma

The fact you put the word higher in quotes tells me so much about who you are as a person.

BraveSquirrel247 karma

That's awesome!

BraveSquirrel188 karma


1 large black trash bag

as much sugar as you can find

as much fruit and fruit juice as you can find

a small piece of potato or bread as a "kicker"


Put it all in the bag, 24 hours later open it and let the gases out, reseal it, do that two more times and after three days you can pour it in a cup.

And it didn't kill me or any of the other dudes drinking the above recipe so it at least wasn't fatally toxic.