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BradLinden63 karma

Ah yes, the “human values” that we all so widely agree on /s

BradLinden51 karma

The shows make it look like every competitor is always furiously working until the last second: is that actually how it happens or is that just how it’s edited to look?

BradLinden10 karma

Yep, on the website they're requesting donations for helmets as well.

BradLinden5 karma

He runs the Detroit Bus Company, a seemingly successful (non-profit?) company that's been around Detroit since 2011, helping to address in some part the city's disappointing lack of public transportation.

BradLinden5 karma

Based on his story on the website, I don't think "reliable transportation" is the main goal. Rather, in the eyes of the kids, the motorized, light-up scooters are a cool "futuristic" toy that it seems are only available to Detroit's more well-off residents. Therefore he wants them to have the opportunity to enjoy this new thing that others in the city are enjoying.