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BossKeyCEO286 karma

It's so cool that last night I dreamt I had it on and was in some sweet VR simulation and when I awoke I realized it was just the sensation of my sleep mask on my face that made me have that dream.

It was some Inception level shit.

EDIT: Just realized that was Palmer. Hi, Palmer!

BossKeyCEO107 karma

I've talked a lot of shit the last two years online, admittedly, in an attempt to educate the gaming public on how this business actually works. Many of those studios/businesses are trying to keep the lights on by any means necessary, they don't feed on the souls of anguished gamers. I was probably mentally prepping myself for being the one who is going to be responsible for keeping the lights on.

Part of it was also not being held own by PR folks and being able to say a lot of what I really thought about the industry. Did I go a bit overboard? Probably.

BossKeyCEO97 karma

The internet loves to take a quote, put it out of context, and suddenly it becomes A Thing.

i.e. if I say "I love Kojima's games but the cutscenes can be a tiny bit long for an impatient gamer like myself" the headline on N4G "BLESZINSKI CALLS KOJIMA A NAZI AND SAYS HIS GAMES SUCK."

Fanboyism = profit for many in the videogame news sector.

BossKeyCEO97 karma

With the internet and it's goofy sense of humor I might have to stunt cast him as a voice role, because we're in a world where Potato Salad Kickstarters can make thousands of dollars.

BossKeyCEO68 karma

I've used a secret prototype at Oculus HQ that is second to none.