Highest Rated Comments

BorisBC175 karma

I bumped into you one day there with a mate from work. Do you remember getting a photo with a short, bald guy with Such is Life tattoo on his arms?

Well that wasn't me. It was my mate. But love your work anyway!

BorisBC17 karma

Happens to fighter pilots too. When they get to the top, the only way is down. Even the best get to the point when they aren't good enough anymore and the come down from that can be savage.

BorisBC13 karma

Dudette..I've been whinging about a torn achilles tendon I did a few weeks ago.. I think I'll shut my big fat mouth now and be thankful!

Also props to you - I've heard it said that the measure of a person is not how high they climb, but how often they get up after they fall.

BorisBC12 karma

Not op but don't stop. I try to be an ally online as well as offline. You'll get abuse as well, (but not in the volumes women get), but don't stop. It's hard swimming against the tide, especially on places like this or Twitter, but all it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing and all that.

BorisBC3 karma

It was horrible in Canberra. Obviously no fire damage so we got off easy (unlike 2003, which I was here for too). But the house would fill up with smoke despite our best efforts to stop it. Like someone was burning snags on the oven plates. It was everywhere and constant for a couple of months.