Highest Rated Comments

BoomerKeith86 karma

I think the reason some people get the cult vibe is that most of us have only ever really heard about religious communes. In fact, before coming across this post I had no idea there were non-religious communes out there. So, it's hard to separate the two at first.

Now that I've had a chance to read the comments and look through their website, it's clear to me that this is just a group of people choosing to live under a different set of social norms and it seems to work well for those folks. Very interesting.

BoomerKeith23 karma

So they basically set up their own self insured program? Interesting. Since the income is derived from the goods sold by the community, I wonder how taxes are handled? I wonder if a person that was born and raised through the community would have ever paid into Social Security, and be eligible to receive it once they reach retirement age.

I'm asking you all of this when I should be asking u/keenan_twinoaks but since you remembered the other post, I was curious if you had seen anything regarding these issues. I don't think I could live in a community like this, but it is extremely interesting and sounds great for the people that are involved.

BoomerKeith4 karma

Well, I can definitely help on the 'spreading the message' front. Been with you for almost as many years as you've been posting videos and you've been a huge inspiration in my life. Thank you for what you started.

BoomerKeith3 karma

Doug, What is at the top of the list of things you need, or would really like to have, to complete the project?

BoomerKeith3 karma

There is a technique used to achieve that look with real photography. It wouldn't be that difficult to replicate that look in photoshop but I know there are photographers out there now using an old technique to get that look (I can't remember what it's called and I'm way too lazy to look it up).