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BoofingPalcohol296 karma

Interesting! My uncle has the same condition.

Currently, I'm dealing with a different heart issue and no one seems to be listening because I'm an otherwise healthy 24 year old. Any advice on getting someone to believe that you feel like you're doing to die on regular basis?

BoofingPalcohol11 karma

I have a few weird questions, so just answer what you're comfortable with and please correct me if I've said anything hurtful.

  1. If you can remember, how does your original hearing differ from your hearing now?

  2. What advice/requests do you have for the hearing community?

  3. As a fellow woman, does your hair around your implant drive you bonkers?! I'm imagining so many tangles.

Thanks for the AMA!

BoofingPalcohol2 karma

Hey there!

I have some pretty wonky sleep cycles that make lucid dreaming a lot easier/more natural for me. I’ve just always done it. Dream control started at a very young age before I knew it was “different” from how others dream.

I’ve had a few now that are basically recreations of traumatic events. Except in the dream, I’m able to stop the bad thing from happening. Or say what I wish I had said at the time. It’s actually incredibly cathartic and helps me move on from the issue.

Are there any documented studies of using lucid dreaming/dream control to overcome past traumas?

Unrelated, why can I float in almost all of my lucid dreams? It’s not like flying. It’s almost a super power. I think about it, and I float. The harder I “push,” the faster/higher I float.