Highest Rated Comments

Bongzilla_37 karma

McRob Sandwich! Do you hold in farts around your wife or do you let em rip? Seriously man.

Bongzilla_2 karma


As a producer, is part of your job securing funding for a film and if so, how do you go about securing millions of dollars? Is it really all just contacts? Thanks man. 

Bongzilla_2 karma

You ever take hallucinogenics and lose it?

Bongzilla_1 karma

Yo jon,

Any funny/terrifying stories about being on hallucinogenics? Congrats on being able to create films with decent budgets!

Bongzilla_1 karma

Yo Jeff,

When you guys were filming reanimator, did you have a clue it was going to be a huge cult classic? Also you have any cool stories while filming that movie, any problems on set and what did you get paid for that? Love it man! Also how badass was working on the frighteners? Good cast/crew on that one.