Highest Rated Comments

Bonfire0fTheManatees1044 karma

I make hunts like this as a hobby and I've found that rather than making all the clues require a walk or drive, it can be fun to leverage technology for some. Like, one answer is a Gmail address where the autoresponder sends a link to a website, or they call a Google voice number and the voicemail gives the next clue. A few months ago, I embedded a clue into a Snapchat geofilter that I set up over the recipient's apartment for a day (it cost like $7) and she was really into that.

Also, unlike OP, I'm no professional, but I've made a dozen or so puzzle hunts and find that balancing the clues so they're not impossiblly difficult is the hardest part. It helps to have someone beta test, but it's also helpful to pre-write some hints. I've found if you have to come up on the hints on the spot, the recipient feels like they're failing, whereas if you have prepared hints they read it more as, "I know I might not have given enough information so I prepared accordingly!" If you're using encryption systems like Morse code or Braille, you can also put together a decryption packet with Braille and Morse alphabets, hex code, semaphore or whatever else you're using, to give the recipient a nudge!

E: ravages of autocorrect

Bonfire0fTheManatees621 karma

I feel legitimately so starstruck that you responded to me! You're living my dream and I'm rooting for you to become a billionaire off of boutique hunts! (And if you ever need a volunteer on the ground in SoCal, for real, I'm there!)

Bonfire0fTheManatees32 karma

Awwww, that's a bummer. Sounds like a great impulse and wonky execution.