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BondsWithXenon324 karma

Either way it's NO JOKE

BondsWithXenon8 karma

Where would you like to see this line of research go over the next 20 years, and how would you like to see it applied?

Also, what do you think about Dr Rick Strassman's famous DMT study?

BondsWithXenon4 karma

Hi, Jordan. Thank you for taking the time to do this. Your work has been and continues to be an incredible inspiration for me as a student of psychology. I am currently taking your 2017 Personality class online, and I am loving it!

I have one large, complicated question for you.

How familiar are you with the field of parapsychology, and how do you think it ties in to your understanding of human psychology? I am particularly thinking about the idea of the balance we try to maintain between order and chaos in our lived experience. Paranormal experiences or psi phenomena tend to happen at the extreme edges of experience - high stress, high emotion - the places where the stability of our normal everyday experience breaks down. In these peak or traumatic experiences, it is as if people's boundaries collapse or dissolve, and they are capable of having more direct contact with the frothing chaos of the unknown. Typical rules of reality break down. Early pioneers of psychology like William James and FWH Myers were fascinated by these questions that pointed to the limits of human ability and human experience, but the field has been sequestered away in a strange taboo niche for most of a century now.

I don't know how familiar you are with the literature, but I would love to hear your perspective of what the parapsychologists were and are doing. Because I keep making really deep connections between your ideas and parapsychological ideas as I digest your work.