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BonHary47 karma

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BonHary45 karma

In great detail, to a bunch of people who are basically critiquing it and clarifying every single detail and asking you to repeat, possibly not believing you...I can't even imagine how awful that must be.

BonHary30 karma

I had something the same/similar, not sure of the name but my esophogus did not go to my stomach either, so any liquid would've filled up my lungs and I would've drowned, so I'm told. (I'm a bit shady on the details, I was a bit young to remember!)

Interestingly enough, they went through my back though, not my chest. The wonderful people at the Hospital for Sick Children in Canada patched me up when I was hours old, so thanks for people like you and what you do!!

BonHary6 karma

I'd kill him.