Highest Rated Comments

Bokbreath854 karma

What are you guys doing that is not being done by every major news operation in the country ?

Bokbreath218 karma

He didn't like the direction the questions were going. Remember this was a promotional AMA so they were hoping for wide eyed and bushy tailed 'gosh this sounds great'. I'm guessing he wasn't expecting people to pry apart the business model so he cut out before too many people realised what was really being offered.

Bokbreath5 karma

How do you define ‘dysfunctional fat tissue’ ?

Bokbreath4 karma

My question concerns the Broadcasting Legislation Amendment (2016). Labor are on record as supporting the removal of the 75% reach cap. Would that not cement the Murdoch empire control ? What is your view on Labor's position ?

Bokbreath1 karma

So what value are you providing ? Given that Congress is responsible for domestic policy and all the President can do is influence and veto - why do you think every twitter utterance is so important ?