Highest Rated Comments

BlueShadesTM8 karma

What is the most difficult part of having CF for you?

Thanks for doing this, mad respect to you btw

BlueShadesTM8 karma

Hell ya man hopefully all that morphine keeps you content and occupied haha

BlueShadesTM3 karma

You wanna go into exactly what happened start to finish and what you were thinking at the time the events unfolded?

Also it sucks that you got targeted man but good thing you made it out ok. Very interesting ama :D

BlueShadesTM3 karma

That was an interesting read man I'd love to hear more!! I love how you asked for your sim haha But in all seriousness fuck those guys for robbing you and fuck those guys for not stopping and offering to help, maybe they didn't notice but still.

BlueShadesTM0 karma

Is there any aspects of biology you feel are glossed over and aren't taught in depth enough or not at all?