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BlueNinjaTiger28 karma

I manage a different chicken store. 3rd party delivery is about 0.01% of our total ticket count on any given day.

BlueNinjaTiger23 karma

That's gonna be franchise dependent. Franchisees are the ones who dictate pay, bonuses, benefits, hours, etc.

BlueNinjaTiger4 karma

Zaxbys. 1990 vs 1996 for Canes.

BlueNinjaTiger3 karma

Many roads in the UShave unnaturally low speed limits. The road might be engineered for 75 to be safe but the limit gets set to 60. So yeah when you're in the middle of bumfuck nowhere with no town or house in sight on a wide open interstate an hour away from the next stop most people are going to drive comfortably fast

BlueNinjaTiger3 karma

There is a small town I drive past when visiting my parents. Note I said past not through. They bought land on the interstate so they could give tickets. At least 60% of their city income is from interstate traffic tickets.

Another town along the way had their police force disbanded by the state supreme Court some years ago for changing the speed limit signs around and moving them in an active effort to "catch" people speeding so they could issue more tickets.

Don't speed in small town America