Highest Rated Comments

BloodChicken39 karma

Better yet, allow you to save a replay midmatch (during the goal replay screen) and it marks the moment.

BloodChicken31 karma

Keep Circulating The Tapes

BloodChicken28 karma

At any point during the trip did you go as far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

BloodChicken5 karma

The problem is that reports can be abused and suddenly you have all the people being reported reporting the people they're abusing just because they can.

BloodChicken1 karma

Not RL related but you should check out Extra Credits on youtube. They have hundreds of videos on aspects of game design as well as small series' on "how to get into" design, sound, developing etc. Should give you some pointers, and if you want to get into game design theres really no better place to start than here.

Source: am game designer.