Highest Rated Comments

Blackbirdmama18 karma

Do you (still?) believe in the integrity of the democratic process?

Blackbirdmama7 karma

Definitely agreed. Thanks for the AMA.

Blackbirdmama4 karma

I'm challenging you on number 1. My mom passed away from cancer in May, after only being diagnosed in February. Her cancerous brain tumor took over her ability to do anything for herself. You have NO idea how hard I had to fight for her to have basic care and appropriate treatments, and I didn't always win. It was terribly hard, and not something you want to be doing during what you know are your loved ones last days. Nor was it fair for her to be worried about it, miss treatments, or not be able to participate in clinical trials. You would like to think that everyone knows and understands, but some people are greedy and choose profit over people. I literally had a medical director tell me I was trying to shift my responsibilities as a daughter onto the health care industry by trying to move her to a place where we had more family and support. Doctors and NURSES were amazing, but prescription companies and health care? Complete fucking moronic insensitive greedy bullshit. They give zero fucks about anything that doesn't bring them money.