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BittyDinosaurNoises3 karma

I ride UP-N every morning! OK, enough bonding.

Given technology has advanced to the point of small businesses using Square and Chipotle taking credit card orders in line, how long until Metra catches up and offers a credit card option on the train? The ticket hole punch thing is so antiquated and the biggest pain in the ass when I don't have cash (and subsequently dip into my laundry quarters to pay my fare.)

BittyDinosaurNoises1 karma

Right, but then when I go to do laundry, I'm sans quarters and then crumble into a heap, scream-crying and shaking my fists at the ceiling.

So thanks for that, Metra.

But in all seriousness, the conductor on my morning commute typically appreciates the quarters too, so at least one of us is coming out on top.

Thanks for the AMA!