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BitsOMoander13 karma

My other grandfather was deeply affected by the war. So much so he came back a pacifist and was heavily involved in social events and charities in his home town. He left most of his money and property to charities after he passed.

BitsOMoander7 karma

Whaddya all think of this city we got over here called Boston?

BitsOMoander6 karma

My grandfather hated the Germans. He never really impressed that upon us though. He'd always refer to the planes that attacked him rather than the people. He'd say things like "God damn Me-109 straffed the side of the B17 and killed my friend."

BitsOMoander5 karma

I can't believe this guy would attempt to stonewall Reddit. Don't they have some sort of briefing for these guys before they approach us? <Sigh> Getting ready to watch Reddit run with this. Should be fun.

BitsOMoander3 karma

What do you think of the Vice piece on Nims? In case you haven't seen it, here it is: http://www.vice.com/Fringes/how-to-sell-drugs